Radio Podcasts
Listen to Mason City Clinic physicians discuss a variety of important patient health and medical topics.
Podcast with Dr. Kenneth Walsh, Vascular Surgeon
Join Dr. Kenneth Walsh, a vascular surgeon at Mason City Clinic, as he delves into effective treatments for vascular disease and shares valuable tips on prevention.
Go to EpisodeHeart Disease – How to prevent it, catch it early and treat it with cardiologist Dr. Samuel Congello
Interventional cardiologist Samuel Congello talks about how to best take care of your heart, how to know if you are at risk for heart disease, and the many options for treatment at the Mason City Clinic.
Go to EpisodeSports Injuries and Orthopedic Treatments with Michael Scherb, MD
Orthopedic surgeon Michael Scherb talks about common sports injuries, how to prevent and treat them.
Go to EpisodeHow Can An Urologist Help You? with Steven Thoma, MD
Mason City Clinic board certified urologist Steven Thoma, MD, describes the many urologic treatment options for men and women at the Mason City Clinic.
Go to EpisodeEar Nose & Throat Problems & Treatments for Children & Teens
It always seems like our kids are getting ear infections, runny noses and sore throats. For instance, ear infections are one of the most common conditions, affecting up to 75% of children in the US by the time they reach the age of 3. When are these conditions just part of building up immunity or just the common cold and flu symptoms and when should parents seek additional care. In this podcast Dr. Trish Thoma, a board certified ENT Physician at the Mason City Clinic will help us understand these sometimes chronic conditions in kids more thoroughly and the treatments available. Trisha Thoma, MD
Go to EpisodeGetting Diagnosed & Treated For Sleep Apnea
More than 18 million Americans have obstructive sleep apnea which is a potentially life-threatening condition that causes you to stop breathing during sleep, sometimes dozens or even hundreds of times each night. If not treated, it can cause serious complications for your health. It is estimated that 4 out of 5 of all moderate to severe cases of OSA go undiagnosed. In this podcast, Dr. Phil Lee, a board certified ENT and Sleep Physician at the Mason City Clinic who will help us understand how and why sleep is very important to our overall health, and how to diagnose and get treated for sleep breathing disorders.
Go to EpisodeAll About Facelifts – Are you a Candidate?
Over time, gravity, sun exposure and the stresses of daily life take their toll on our faces and necks. Deep creases appear beside the mouth, the jaw line slackens and becomes jowly, and the neck develops loose folds and fat deposits. Facelifts counteract these signs of aging by tightening muscle, removing fat and trimming excess skin, giving your face a fresher, youthful look. Have you ever thought about getting a facelift? In this podcast board certified plastics & reconstructive surgeon Rene Recinos, MD talks all about facelifts including who is a good candidate for a facelift, the benefits and risks, and details of the surgical procedure and recovery time?
Go to EpisodeGeneral Surgery – Capabilities & Its Patient Care Benefits
In this podcast Abdi Ahari, MD, general surgeon, describes the capabilities of the general surgery specialty at Mercy One North Iowa at the Mason City Clinic and how they work together to provide the highest level of patient care to the community.
Go to EpisodeBreast Cancer – Risks, Screening & Treatment
In this podcast general surgeon Brittany Splittgerber, MD, talks about the prevalence of breast cancer (255,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the US); who is most at risk, how best to detect breast cancer early and the different treatment and surgical options for it.
Go to EpisodeBunions & Treatment Options
In this podcast podiatrist Edward Henrich talks about a common toe problem people experience – bunions. Dr. Henrich talks through if and when in his opinion people need to surgically fix them. He also discusses a new 3D bunion surgery that he is performing that is getting people up and walking much quicker.
Go to EpisodeA-Fib – Risk, Diagnosis, Treatments
In this podcast cardiologist Michael Spooner, MD, talks about Atrial Fibrillation, known as A-Fib. He describes who is most at risk of getting it, ways to decrease your risk and the many options medically and surgically to stay out of A-Fib in order to reduce further and more severe health consequences.
Go to EpisodeHealth consequences to delayed Medical care
Board-certified cardiologist Denisa Hagau talks about the consequences to patients of delaying preventative or acute cardiology care due to fear of Covid
Go to EpisodeRobotic Surgery
Dr. Harsha Jayawardena general surgeon speaks to the overall capabilities of the general surgery dept at MercyOne North Iowa at Mason City Clinic and specifically to the benefits of robotic surgery to patient and surgeon.
Go to EpisodeHeart Disease
Listen to Dr. Matthew Flemming, a board-certified cardiologist, discuss America’s #1 health issue: heart disease. Aired February 26, 2015.
Go to EpisodeTAVR (transaortic valve replacement)
Dr. Siddiqui talks about a surgery called TAVR a relatively new heart surgery which is less invasive than open-heart surgery; who is a candidate for it and what are the outcomes for patients who have had it.
Go to EpisodeDepression Symptoms & Treatment
Psychiatrist Dr. Mark Lassise talks about the symptoms and signs of depression and the best treatment options for seeking help.
Go to EpisodeHand and Wrist Therapy
Deb K., Occupational Therapist, discusses the importance of hand and wrist therapy when recovering from an injury.
Go to EpisodeGERD and Linx Procedure
Dr. Matthew Fabian, a General Surgeon at the Mason City Clinic, will discuss how best to prevent and treat GERD, or reflux disease, and tell us about a new minimally invasive procedure that brings relief to people who struggle with the chronic symptoms of this disease.
Go to EpisodeProstate Cancer
Interview with Kevin Rier, MD, Board Certified Urologist, about one of the most common, yet treatable cancers in men, prostate cancer. How to test for it and how it’s treated.
Go to EpisodeSleep Apnea
Interview with Phillip Lee, MD, Board Certified, ENT & Sleep Physician, about one of the most common, yet undiagnosed sleep breathing disorders, sleep apnea. Dr. Lee explains symptoms of sleep apnea, how to test for it and the variety of treatments for it.
Go to EpisodeWomen’s Heart Disease
Interview with Denisa Hagau, MD, Board Certified Cardiologist, about how to prevent and treat heart disease in women, and how the symptoms are very different in women than in men.
Go to EpisodeNeck Arthritis
Interview with Ron Kloc, DO, Interventional Pain Medicine Physician about an innovative treatment that is bringing relief to people living with painful and debilitating neck arthritis.
Go to EpisodeCommon Foot & Ankle Injuries, and Treatment
Interview with Michael B. Scherb, MD, Board Certified, Orthopedic Surgeon, about the prevention and treatments for foot and ankle fractures and sprains, as well as how to treat arthritis of the foot, ankle and toes.
Go to EpisodeGERD & the Linx Procedure
Interview with Dr. Matthew W. Fabian, DO about GERD and the Linx Procedure. Dr. Fabian to give free patient talk about GERD and the Linx Procedure on Tuesday, October 8th, at 6 PM, at the Mason City Clinic, Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea.
Go to EpisodeInspire Therapy
Interview with Timothy Dettmer, MD, ENT physician on Inspire Therapy, an alternative to CPAP for people with Sleep Apnea. Dr. Dettmer to give free patient talk about Inspire Therapy on Tuesday, September 24th, 6 PM, Mason City Clinic, Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea.
Go to EpisodeWeight Loss Surgery
Interview with Dr. Matthew W. Fabian, DO on Obesity and weight loss surgery. Dr. Fabian to provide a FREE seminar to help you decide if weight loss surgery is right for you on October 2nd at 6 PM at Northbridge Mall in Albert Lea.
Go to EpisodeVasectomy
Vasectomy is a highly effective birth control procedure for men.
Dr. Christopher Adams, board-certified urologist at the Mason City Clinic talks through the details and benefits of this procedure for couples.
Prostate Cancer – Diagnosis & Treatment
Listen to Dr. Christopher Adams, board certified urologist talk with KWAY radio about a very common cancer that men face, prostate cancer. Aired May 14, 2019.
Go to EpisodeSeasonal Allergies
Listen to Dr. Trisha Thoma, board-certified ENT talk with KLMJ radio about allergy season. Aired May 30, 2019.
Go to EpisodeFinger Joint Replacement
Listen to Dr. Rene Recinos, board-certified plastic & reconstructive surgeon discuss finger joint replacement surgery for arthritis. Aired October 6, 2018.
Go to EpisodeRobotics & Surgery
Listen to Dr. Harsha Jayawardena, board-certified general surgeon discuss how the DaVinci Robotic System is helping surgeons perform many types of surgeries less invasively and with more accuracy. Aired August 25, 2018.
Go to EpisodeCarotid Artery Disease & Peripheral Artery Disease of the Leg
Listen to Dr. Jeffrey Rowe, board-certified vascular surgeon discuss carotid artery disease & peripheral artery disease of the leg. Aired October 27, 2016.
Go to EpisodeFoot & Ankle Reconstruction Surgery
Listen to Dr. Michael Scherb, board-certified orthopedic surgeon discuss foot and ankle reconstruction and surgery. Aired July 29, 2016.
Go to EpisodeSurgical Intervention of Ear Infections or Tonsils Removal
Listen to Dr. Henry Diggelmann, board-certified ENT, head & neck surgeon, talk with KGLO 1300 AM’s Tim Fleming about when you should consider surgical intervention for ear infections or removal of tonsils in children. Aired April 28, 2016.
Go to EpisodeProstate Cancer – Diagnosis
Listen to Dr. Christopher Adams, board-certified urologist talk with KGLO 1300 AM’s Tim Fleming about prostate cancer, who gets it and how to prevent, diagnose and treat it.
Go to EpisodePlastic & Reconstructive Surgery Laser & Skincare Center
Listen to Kris Loterbauer, a registered nurse at Mason City Clinic’s Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Laser and Skincare Center, discuss some nonsurgical treatments that can take away unwanted signs of aging like facial or body hair, wrinkles, skin discoloration and spider veins. Aired November 19, 2015.
Go to EpisodePrevention and Treatment of ACL Tears for Young Athletes
Listen to Dr. Tim Gibbons, board certified orthopedic surgeon offer advice on prevention and treatment for ACL tears in young and middle-aged athletes. Aired November 11, 2015.
Go to EpisodeHow We Help Relieve Pain For You
Listen to Dr. Ronald Kloc, board-certified anesthesiologist with special qualifications in pain medicine, talk about a targeted approach to modify or destroy troublesome pain generators that affect a person’s quality of life. Aired September 24, 2015.
Go to EpisodeHow To Treat Incontinence, In Men & Women
Listen to Dr. Christopher Adams, board certified urologist, talk about incontinence. Aired August 27, 2015.
Go to EpisodeBody Contouring
Listen to Dr. Rene Recinos, board-certfied plastic and reconstructive surgeon, talk with KGLO-1300 AM’s Jesse Stewart about body contouring, a safe and effective way to tighten up loose and baggy skin after weight loss surgery. Aired July 30, 2015.
Go to Episode