Kyle Ryan, PA-C


Kyle received his bachelor’s degree in pre-professional zoology from Northwest Missouri State University. He went on to Des Moines University, where he received a degree in physician assistant studies after which he joined the Mason City Clinic Orthopedics department.

Kyle enjoys treating a wide variety of conditions throughout the 14-county service area as well as working in the clinic and performing minor procedures as well as assisting the physicians with their various surgical procedures.

Specialty care close to home

Up-to-date. Down-to-earth. Close to home. Lots of great reasons to make Mason City Clinic
your first choice for all your family’s specialty healthcare needs.

250 S. Crescent Drive, Mason City, IA 50401

Tel: 641.494.5200

Toll Free: 800-622-1411

Fax: 641.494.5403

Driving Directions

2440 Bridge Avenue, Albert Lea, MN 56007

Tel: 641.494.5200

Fax: 641.494.5403

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