Over 18 million Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA),a potentially life-threatening condition that causes you to stop breathing during sleep.
The standard treatment for OSA has been the CPAP machine, which requires you to wear a special mask and tubes during sleep. However, many users find it difficult to sleep with a mask over their face, attached to a machine and so they end up stowing their CPAP away and just living with their sleep apnea – a dangerous proposition at best.
Now there is a new alternative to CPAP therapy that requires no hose and no mask.
Inspire® therapy is a breakthrough treatment option for people with OSA that:
This upper airway stimulation technology delivers a promising new alternative for OSA sufferers who are unable to use or get consistent benefits from CPAP.
To find out more about this innovative therapy and if it could be the right solution for you or your loved ones, download the informational guide.